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Thinking about divorce does not always lead to divorce

Many people are under the impression that thinking about divorce will eventually lead them down this path. While this may be true in some cases, it is not the way things always work out.

A recent study by the Family Studies Center at Brigham Young University shows that thinking about divorce does not always lead to divorce. Headed up by six universities, this study sheds light on people who are considering divorce.

Researchers came to the conclusion that thinking about divorce does not always mean a person is ready to give up on their marriage. Instead, this thought process may be nothing more than a byproduct of an ever-changing culture.

The study notes the following:

“Maybe in a culture with high divorce rates and widespread concerns about the fragility of marriage it is hard not to have some thoughts about divorce when problems and disappointments exist in the marriage.”

In some cases, thoughts about divorce can actually be a good thing. This may be just what somebody needs in order to take action in an attempt to repair his or her relationship with their spouse. In other words, thoughts of divorce may not mean eventual doom.

Some people never think about divorce, while others run this through their mind from time to time. If you find yourself thinking about divorce, it is a good idea to understand why this is the case. It is also a good idea to realize that it doesn’t necessarily signify the end of the road. It may simply mean that you need to take some sort of action.

Source: Deseret News, “BYU study finds that thinking about divorce does not necessarily lead to divorce,” Morgan Jones, Dec. 22, 2015

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