Monthly Archives: April 2024

What is the Filing Fee for a Divorce in Texas?
Divorce happens. Thousands of couples file for divorce each year in Texas. If you are preparing to file a divorce, you may be wondering: What is the filing for a divorce in Texas? The answer depends on some case-specific factors—most notably, the county that you are filing in. In most Texas counties, the legal… Read More »

We Settled Our Divorce, But My Ex-Spouse Asking Me to Turn Over More Property/Assets—What Can I Do?
Did you reach a divorce settlement in Texas? It can come as a tremendous sense of relief. However, unfortunately, it is not always the end of the process for all people. If you resolved your divorce but your spouse is still trying to get you to turn over additional property/assets, it is important to… Read More »

How to Create a Time-Sharing Schedule in a Parenting Plan in Texas
When parents of young kids divorce or separate in Texas, they will generally need to create a parenting plan. As part of a parenting plan, you should develop a comprehensive time-sharing schedule. A child time-sharing schedule is a plan that outlines how divorced or separated parents will divide care and custody of their child—including… Read More »

I am in the Middle of a Divorce in Houston—Can I Change My Attorney?
If you are preparing to end a marriage, you are far from alone. The Texas Department of State Health Services estimates that nearly 70,000 couples get divorced in Texas each year. Although divorce is common, it is not easy. The right lawyer can make a big difference. What happens if you have the wrong… Read More »