Category Archives: Divorce

How is an Auto Loan Divided in a Divorce in Texas?
Are you preparing for a divorce in Texas? A big part of the process will be determining who gets to keep what—and for many divorcing couples in Houston, vehicles are among the most challenging assets. For obvious reasons, an automobile cannot be easily divided. Within this article, our Houston divorce attorney provides an overview… Read More »

We are Getting Divorced and I Think My Spouse is Hiding Money—What are My Options?
Property division is one of the most important—and often contentious—issues in a divorce case. Divorcing spouses must navigate the Texas community property laws to determine who gets what. To do so effectively, you and your spouse need to know what you actually own. This raises an important question: What do I do if I… Read More »

Are There Any Advantages to File for Divorce First in Texas?
The end of marriage is hard. A lot of legal, logistical, and emotional hurdles must be overcome to finalize a divorce. If you are preparing to file, you may be wondering: Does it matter who files for divorce first in Texas? Technically, the answer is “no”—though there can sometimes be some advantages to filing… Read More »

Should I Sign a Waiver of Service? (Texas Divorce)
The Texas State Law Library explains that service of process is “a necessary step of any lawsuit.” A divorce is no exception. The party who files for divorce must properly serve papers on their spouse. That being said, the non-filing party has the right to sign a document waiving service of process. Here, our… Read More »

Six Signs that Your Marriage May Be Headed to a Divorce
Is your marriage having issues? You are far from alone: The United States Census Bureau data shows that hundreds of thousands of married couples get divorced nationwide each year. That divorce is common does not make it any easier. You may not even be sure if a divorce is the right path forward for… Read More »

Can My Text Messages, Emails, or Other Digital Files Be Accessed in a Divorce?
We live more and more of our lives in the digital realm. Your text messages, your emails, your social media accounts, and other types of digital files are sensitive. They often contain very private information. You may be wondering: Can your spouse access this information as part of a divorce case? The answer is… Read More »

How Will Our Living Situation Be Handled During the Divorce Process in Texas?
Going through a divorce is hard—and, in some cases, it can be a time-consuming process. With a high-conflict divorce, it often takes several months or even more than a year to finalize a separation. This raises an important question: How is a living situation handled while a Texas couple’s divorce is still pending? The… Read More »

Four Things to Understand About Default Divorce in Texas
Are you enduring the breakdown of a marriage in Texas? The divorce process can be complicated. You may be wondering what happens if one spouse simply declines to cooperate with the process at all. The short answer is that the court can and— assuming the other spouse handles things properly—will grant a default divorce…. Read More »

Does A Divorce In Texas Have Tax Implications?
Divorce can change your life in many ways. It is crucial that you are fully prepared for the financial ramifications of a divorce. Although ending a marriage can bring its financial challenges, the right plan can help you to come out in a strong, stable position in the long run. Along these lines, you… Read More »

Can A Divorce Be Reopened In Texas?
Going through a divorce is hard. Even when you are confident that it is the right decision for your future, the process is stressful, time-consuming, and confusing. Reaching the end can bring an enormous sense of relief—but only if you are able to obtain a favorable outcome. You may be wondering: Can a divorce… Read More »